Estimated Time
6 Weeks

10 hours per week.

Applying and getting assigned a tech coach.

Get access after applying and connecting to a coach.

Basic Digital Literacy Skills Required
See details on prerequisites.

CompTIA A+ Certification Training

This course is the CompTIA A+. It will help students to acquire the competencies and skills needed for entry-level IT professional and cybersecurity jobs available in today’s workforce. The CompTIA A+ course will introduce in-depth concepts of computer navigation and operations.

What You’ll Learn

CompTIA A+ Certification Training

CompTIA offers everything you need to get you ready for your A+ certification exam. Explore training developed by CompTIA and choose an option that fits your learning style and timeline.

It covers the domain areas of:

Mobile Devices
Virtualization and Cloud Computing
Operating Systems
Software Troubleshooting
Hardware Troubleshooting
Network Troubleshooting
Operating Procedures

What You’ll Gain

After Successfully Completing Program:

Completing this program prepares you with skills and allows you for a career in IT and to show the world what they’ve accomplished.

Certification of Completion
Prepare for CompTIA A+ Certification Testing
Start A Cybersecurity Career Pathway 
Referred to Tech Career Readiness

What You’ll Gain

After Successfully Completing Program:

Completing this program prepares you with skills and allows you for a career in IT and to show the world what they’ve accomplished.

Certification of Completion
Prepare for CompTIA A+ Certification Testing
Start A Cybersecurity Career Pathway 
Referred to Tech Career Readiness

How It Works


Guided Learning Experience

Prepared learning materials set the stage for success. Up-to-date content and step-bystep training give you the tools needed to learn wholistic software and technical skills. Complex subjects are made easy to learn.


Tailored Practice and Coaching

Practice assessment exams that gauge progress, prepare you, and measure your learning objectives. Your coach or instructor will be able to adjust the course and content to complement the areas needed most based on your needs to be successful.


Earn your credentials.

Obtain an industry-recognized certification you can use on resumes, post to portfolios, and share on social media. This validation will provide practical advantages as you prepare for college, a career, and other tech certifications that set you apart.

What’s In It For You

We help you by connecting you to support organizations that will give you access to leaders in technology. We connect you to job and freelancing opportunities after skills mastery. Other benefits include:


Our instructors are real practitioners.

Learn Tech & Earn

Business and career tech development.

Join A Dynamic Environment

Your development comes first.

Effective Motivation Empowerment

We take time to uplift and push for the right mindset to learn.

Future-proofed Tech Skills

Learn the tech skills to future proof your income.

Fast Growth For Underrepresented

We are committed to culturally-focused tech programming.